Tracy Sarroff is a multi-disciplinary artist. Ideas relating to ecology and overlapping concerns between art and science underlie many of her projects, while their form stems from basic structural compositions of living things, their growth and transformation. Patterns, structures, and fragments are sifted from the natural world and recombined. What prevails is an interest in our relationships with ecology and science and the creative boundaries of what is both imaginary and real. Frequently using ideas that are allied to science fiction and science fact, often her work manifests an ambiguous natural and artificial engagement. Transgenics, biotechnology, botanical illustration, microscopy have been some other themes fuelling the explorations to date. Her practice isn’t, however, always predictable. She takes unexpected tangents, which vary conceptually and explore a multitude of material and aesthetic interests.
© Tracy Sarroff | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | www.tracysarroff.com