2001, 1999, M.F.A. and B.F.A in Painting from Fine Arts Dept., Assam University (Central University) Silchar, Assam / Seven solo shows with the Indian Cultural Centre Seoul, South Korea, collaboration with Indian Art Museum, Seoul, South Korea etc. / 162 group exhibition in Indian and abroad like 48th, 49th, 53rd & 60th National Exhibition organized by National Lalit Kala Academi, New Delhi; “Spirit of India” Embassy of India, Lisbon in association with Art Catto Gallery at Conrad Hotel, Algrave, Portugal; India-Korea Art Exchange exhibition at Korean Cultural Center, New Delhi; “HANJI FESTIVAL” exhibition at Korean Cultural Center, New Delhi. 13th Asian Art Biennale organized by The Bangladesh Shilpa kala Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh; 6th 7th and 8th International print Biennale organized by Bharat Bhavan, Bhopal; “Icon of Asia” International show at EM Art Gallery, Beijing, China; International print Biennale, Finland; Harmony Art shows organized by Harmony Art Foundation, Mumbai; 7th All India Digital Art Exhibition, A.I.F.A.C.S., New Delhi; Annual All India Art Exhibition, A.I.F.A.C.S., New Delhi…etc. / Participated in 41 Artist’s Camp or workshop national and International / Won many awards including LKA National Scholarship, New Delhi; Junior Research Fellowship from H.R.D, New Delhi; (UNESCO) N.R.L.C. Merit scholarship, Lucknow (2002); “All India Platinum, Gold and Silver Artist Award” (2015, 2016 and 2017) for Installation and Digital art from Prafulla Dhanukar Art Foundation, Mumbai; 1st All India Art Exhibition, FMG Group of Institutions, Greater Noida (2013); 1st and 4th All India Digital Art Exhibition A.I.F.A.C.S., New Delhi (2011, 2014); 78th and 83rd Annual All India Art Exhibition, A.I.F.A.C.S., New Delhi (2006 and 2011); State Award org by Art & Cultural Dept, Govt. of Meghalaya / Many collections in India and Abroad
© Shovin Bhattacharjee | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | http://www.shovin.net