Atelier RZLBD is a boutique art & architecture practice based in Toronto founded by artist & architect Reza Aliabadi (OAA, MRAIC); whose work extends to making arts, crafting objects, designing buildings, curating installations, and publishing a zine called rzlbdPOST.
The practice is not just an ordinary operation that serves, rather like a positive virus, it contributes, communicates, challenges, and adapts itself to the needs of each project and its context. The portfolio has been distinguished with numerous accolades; exhibited in many venues; and celebrated in more than 100 print publications.
Everyone is the other, no one is themselves. _ Heidegger
What if we would all look alike!
Nope; we are all supposed to look as ourselves. Every life should be a free invention, an invention that is open to all of us all the time. Yet we are so carefully being schooled to conventions to the point we don’t dare to explore our unknown but very particular identities. The fear of being ourselves in todays climate of mass-production & mass-consumption is manifested by stereotypes propagated from commercial advertisement that is being fed to our subconscious constantly at all levels. Heidegger had predicted way long ago that with our eagerness to use media we give up our freedom and will become its very resources.
These gazing faces encourage us to pursue our very desire to explore our unique identities. We can be ourselves and still stay together. Be you 🙂 _RZLBD
All knobs and handles are from IKEA & Richelieu
© Atelier RZLBD / Reza Aliabadi / 2020, Toronto, Canada
Instagram: @rzlbd_
© Reza Aliabadi | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | http://www.rzlbd.com