Photography gives me the chance ,just alike my forefather who engrave their images on the wall’s cave, Fly above the present and just for a brief explore a world of silence and eternity. Link between literature and photography according to my intense interest to literature and poetry is one of my great purpose in photography.Experience a kind of stream of consciousness ,With putting single photo from different categorization in a unit collection,is one of my professional ambition. n the still life i tried to explore a contemporary expression of humble still life and create illustrative images of complexity. The use of still life as an important instrument for express personal feeling,fantasies,delusion,and reaching to beauty,mystery and of course abstraction is my greatest goal in this category. I was born in a middle-class family and i have grown up in a big city.My playful nature and my continuous passing in street had experienced me very well in reading street stories,so i went back to street but this time with camera. In portraits,I have attempted to achieve obvious expression of soul and feeling subjects.Although i am not interested to transferring a kind of superficial compassion.In fact i am looking for a self-explaining portrayals that shows some of my social concerns,my unanswered human questions,and also conflicts of my soul.Photography has given to me the opportunities of capturing moments of everyday life that i had watched for many years. Traveling in nature is another gift of photography to my life,journey in nature with the camera was beginning a kind of therapy for my soul.The endless battle between life and death,continuing invasion of hope and life against nothingness,absence and the chance for capturing images of this magical world is a wonderful relief for my soul. In landscape,I have been looking for kind of illustrative images that transfer sense,an image that represent my feelings,my consideration to unseen things in very ordinary scene and inspire viewer for chasing,guessing even for short moments is my main aim in landscape and if i wanted go further in photography.
© RoHollah Makouei | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | www.makouei.com