ART is a huge word… I don’t remember how far our relationship goes well it started the day I was born but I think it not something that has an end to it as a small child I did’t see things the way they were but I used to look at an artistic part of its. I think we both have both grown together each day every minute gas been a lesson at first I did not know that its only me that see things from so many different angels but this difference in me was arts. Why wouldn’t I like to do something I do best for living but the area I belong to does not see art the way I do its something thats still under discovered and I know best from what I go through for making those pictures sometimes electricity is gone few hours and sometimes its the harsh criticism. I am from a very backward area where people still think arts is a taboo no matter I dont get the encouragement or motivation but fuel for my work has always been my love for knew, innovative, unique and creating something amazing out of it. For me the biggest artist is the maker of everything the creator of everything and the biggest example is nature it inspires me every single day. I live in a place called balochistan province of Pakistan its a place still not discovered or touched its so amazingly rich in culture and tradition but at the same time economically and socially deprived. its an area of so much diversity from dessert to rusky mountains, from dry winds of Kharan to weird creatures of Noshki, from lush green valley of ziarat to isolated seas of gawader, from gold and diamond filled ranges to hungry and lost children. Its a place with no technology wonders and our lives are very simple and away from digital world, place where internet comes for couple of hours all are enough to set fire to my imaginations, enough to show me a path of what I can do. Its totally bases on my subconsciousness feel nature at it peak I want to touch, feel, live to every extent I can. I want to once-operate every element of nature into my art every. Bugs fascinate me topography fascinate live nature to its utmost I travel around so it is imbibed into my soul and when I sit and open Photoshop its the time when all this comes to life and every piece has something to tell a story from many are unaware but all in a and digital way. My work does not refer to a particular people, race, creed but it should reach everyone without referring to racial geographical or linguistic barriers. Someone who is familiar with nature will be familiar with what I do and at the end of the day the feedback I get overwhelms me its something that encourage me to work everyday and make something better then yesterday I look very much forward to do my masters but unfortunately there is no master of film and TV in Pakistan but I would love to peruse my education.
© Nidal Sher | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | www.instagram.com/nidalsher/