My name is Mr.Twodeers, I’m a french still-life photographer.
This series that I am submitting is a representation of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Like most people, I was in strict confinement during the coronavirus lockdown. As the days, weeks, months passed by, I came to the realization that beside the health disaster, this is a serious economic crisis, especially for all those manual laborers with no means to provide for themselves or their families due to the travel and work restrictions.
The word that came to me after reflecting on their situation was their struggle.
Not only their struggle with the illness, but also their struggle to unlock their worker tools from confinement.
My main inspiration to create this series is the legendary tale of Excalibur, the magical sword trapped in a rock which was freed by the new king to bring order and balance to the lives of everyone.
© Mr. Twodeers | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | https://mrtwodeers.com/