I’m that kind of artist who dont believe arts should have a limited influence that stops between the eyes and the brain, they shall not be purely decorative, they shall not be wind that moves in through the left ear and immediately exited through the right one, they should left something that is truly tangible, changing the viewers view on issues, permanently if possible, and make them acts on it, it is their raison d’etre. I’m trying to make art as my megaphone to expose human’s misadventures, ignorance, failures and all other things that makes human the most destructive carbon based living things on this earth right now, it may sound misanthropic but its ok. These works are some that I made back in 2019, I hope I don’t need to give further explanation about them, it just feels wrong to explain.
© Misere du Monde | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | https://www.saatchiart.com/miseredumonde