My photographs may appear to be computer manipulated, however, they are in fact generated entirely within my camera. My technique utilises a function for creating composite images of three sequential exposures. Except instead of keeping the camera in a secured fixed position, I twist my lens, drag the camera and alter focus between and during each exposure. So it’s a way of both acknowledging and rejecting the stillness that this function usually demands. Add to that the frequency of moving subjects and passing of time throughout the capture, the range of variables involved in the entire process pushes my photography towards a quasi alchemistic experience. Needless to say it leaves behind a plethora of bizarre discarded pictures. It is critical that my technique brings movement, life and texture to scenes of the everyday; a car journey, walk in the town, time in the garden, a gathering of friends. I’m searching for the layers, textures, smudges, ghosts and blurs created in a collusion between myself and the camera. It’s a constant negotiation between the very precise technology of digital photography, intuition and happenstance to produce an elusive image.
© Michael Lee | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | www.mplee.com