I’m photographer formed in Escola de Fotografia Artística (EFA) and currently studying postgraduate specialization in visual poetics. Women Photographic essays and fashion editorials are the sum of results that make up my work. I had images published in Vogue, ten times chosen as the best of the day. I write in Bah Magazine a column about Fine art photography. In Porto Alegre, in 2013 , won the prize for second place in Sioma Breitman contest the House of councilors of Porto Alegre. This year was the only Latin American photographer selected for the Art Prize Laguna, an important award for contemporary art on display at the Arsenal of Venice with photography “Memórias frágeis de mim mesma” (Fragile memories of myself). I participated in group exhibitions in Florianópolis, São Paulo, Porto Alegre and Blumenau, especially the Bolsa gallery. I had two solo exhibitions, one at the Centro Cultural Vila Flores and another in the gallery cube, all in Porto Alegre.
© Heloisa Medeiros | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | heloisamedeiros.46graus.com