Giovanni Morassutti is an Italian actor, director, writer, artist and curator. As a visual artist he has been working on several collections including Wiine & Art based on pairing wine with contemporary art
and a series of works based on his family of origin .In the collection Eyes his art practice combines action painting, collages and found materials especially photo portraits and plastic fake Eyes
Selected artworks :
The Circus :Collage paper and plastic. Size : 40 x 25 x 0.2 cm, Series : Eyes. Berlin, 2020
Fairy Tale : Collage watercolor, photographic paper,plastic SIze: 29 x 36 cm, Series : Eyes. Berlin , 2020.
Seelife : Collage, watercolor on canvas, paper, tape Size : 30 x 20 x 0.4 cm, Series : Eyes. Berlin, 2020.
© Giovanni Morassutti | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Morassutti