Prize winning, London based artist Emma-Leone Palmer (recently seen on Sky Portrait Artist Of The Year) has work in collections around the world and has many interesting commissions from celebrities to most recently a 9 year old boy with ‘Chelsea’ blue smeared all over his face. The ‘Paint-Play’ series uses paint, lube, glitter and water which are smeared, dripped, flicked and splashed onto the face as a prop to trigger honest reactions, expressions, emotions. LET IT OUT… I am not interested in painting ‘bowls of fruit’ but living, breathing, expressive human beings. Give me something gritty, something real, show me!” This ‘theatre’ is led by the sitter, unpremeditated. 100’s of photos are taken… the paintings made from these emphasise the moments when they are lost in themselves.
© Emma-Leone Palmer | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | emma-leonepalmer.com