Hello there! My name is Elia and I’m a freelance illustrator and designer based in Italy. I’m focused on conceptual illustration and I constantly seek for perfection into simplicity. I never thought about «being an illustrator» as a goal: it just happened when I had a real job. The idea of having to work my entire life, led me to a turning point. So, I decided to feed my passion for drawing and start working the way I do now. Time is money! But, you know, money is not time, and life is too short to get a real job. This is kinda mantra to me. I cannot see myself as an artist, but rather as a free spirit. What I really love about my job is not being a designer: I love to be free. In other words, I’m not an independent designer cause I wanna be a designer; I’m an independent designer cause I need to be independent! Find the way to be yourself, beyond any rule: that’s the real essence of my works.
© Elia Colombo | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | www.instagram.com/gebelia/