El Gato Chimney was born in 1981 in Milan, where he currently lives and works. He started his career as a self-taught artist, developing an early interest in graffiti that made him pursue a successful journey into street art. As the years went by, thanks to the acquisition of new knowledge and the need to continuously improve his technical skills, the artist began to prefer to work in his studio, dedicating his time to an introspective research to depict immaterial things, such as emotions and inner visions. Currently, El Gato Chimney’s studies range over a wide variety of subjects, such as alchemy, ancient and modern art, magic, mirabilia, occultism, popular folklore, primitive art and spiritualism. The universe he portrays is deceptive and dual, like a good nightmare: a magical and religious syncretism is what livens up the inhabitantants of these lands, a well-turned mixture of cultures and eras, as the artist wants to assert that celebrating life and escaping death is what joins all beings. El Gato Chimney, instead of answering directly to the inevitable questions of the observers, fills his paintings with clues and appeals to our imagination and our sensibility, keys of interpretation of the modern world.
© El Gato Chimney | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | www.steambiz.com