I am Deandra Lee, an 18 year old surreal self portrait photographer. Growing up I had always had a camera of some sort in my hand. Just taking pictures of anything and everything that I saw. I didn’t really get into editing until I got my first iPad back in 2013 and I was taking pictures of my dolls and then I started experimenting and learning new things I had never even thought was possible which led me where I am today today. My work for me is always about wonder. Wondering about the world, the people and the places that surround us and make us think. When people look at my work, I would want them to feel some type of emotion whether it’s happy, sad, excited etc. Doing this for six years, now I can honestly say that I have gotten better at what I love to do but I’m always experiencing new things and wanting to do more of what I can and perhaps one day be known as one of the greatest photographers in the world.
© Deandra Lee | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | deandralee133.wixsite.com/deandra