Self-taught collage and mixed media artist born in 1975 in Zaragoza (Spain), with a degree in Architectural Technology. After living a few years in Barcelona, now living and working in London. I have exhibited my artwork in Zaragoza, Barcelona and London. I have always shown a great sensibility and curiosity about art but it was not until the discovery of Dadaism and Punk that I decided to start making art myself. What made a mark on me was the death of bourgeois art understood as individual art and made for the upper class, as well as the idea that art is part of anyone and everyone should develop it and not only ‘the chosen ones’. My study of art spread over other avant-garde like Constructivism,Dadaism, Surrealism, Lettrism and Situationism, these are some of the artistic movements that created background to rethink and to strengthen my idea about art. My artwork is a resource that supports the popular art, accessible to everyone, able to question the individual on the set values in a consumer society.
© David Gorriz | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | www.davidgorriz.com