I’m Brian and I live in a city called Cape Town in South Africa. I come from an art direction and design background and am drawn to a clean minimal style in all things design-related, so it has felt quite natural to go this way in photography too. I shoot mostly on mobile as I have found it to be the best way to capture something as it happens without overthinking anything. My approach is to capture the essence of a moment in its simplest form, so most of my work is minimal and has a sense of calm about it as a result I guess. Through photography, I have really discovered the difference between looking and seeing. I’m always on the lookout for interesting things, but I have learned to ‘see’ – to see beyond what merely meets the eye, see the sparkle in the ordinary, etc. Seeing things as opposed to looking at things has added a new perspective to my photography as well as changed my idea of beauty. This view has kept things fresh and positive, knowing that my next image is in the mind as much as the eye.
© Brian Bainbridge | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | instagram.com/brian_bainbridge