Established 2009, Beast has produced more than 200 urban installations in more than 40 cities across Europe, United States and Japan. With his ironic and provocative collages, Beast deconstructs well-known faces of politics and the world of entertainment, recreating scenarios to the limit of veracity. At the beginnings his distinguished mash-ups, framed in gold and freely placed on the streets, have quickly attracted the attention of media, challenging the urban audience to question the truthfulness of the information, in a continuous play of references between the real world and the ideal world proposed by the artist. Since then he moved to bigger size artworks, pasting up giant posters on the walls of the main European cities, replacing advertising posters with his own artworks and creating giant murals on abandoned buildings’ facades in the countryside. Beast is considered a “visual manipulator”, all of his collages are made by hundreds of layers taken from the photographic archive of our history, all the elements are aesthetically updated and combined in order to create a new image, a “true fake” that however false, it may seem plausible to the viewer’s eye.
© Beast | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | http://beaststreetart.com