Alberto Polo Iañez (Palma de Mallorca, 1980) cursed audiovisual production in his native island and finished specialized in sound, in Barcelona. It would be there where the Majorcan guy would find out his highest motivation; Photography as an expression form. Throughout his career, he has been passing for several areas, from individual exhibitions or in group like the latest “Creus en mi”(Galería La Real, Mallorca), collaborations in audiovisual level, pointing out the participation in the film “Ingrid” by Eduard Cortés, where he performed, made permanent photography and made the official picture of the film. He made also several musical videos pointing out the ones with the Varaverde group, the inventor/editor and productor together with Eva Morell, Ana Cabello and Eduard Bagur of the monothematic publication “23” and recently a creative photographer for an important fashion brand.
© Alberto Polo Iañez | Artist Biography, Artworks & Gallery | www.albertopoloianez.com/